Visit us!

Are you interested in how a regular grain of sand can turn into a fragile web? How much effort has the glassworker put in it so a shapeless matter can turn into a splendid decoration? Do you desire to try some of this by yourself? Then do not delay your visit of Center of glassworking art anymore! Participate in some of our residential stay, courses and workshops not only for profesionals but also for the general public.

In the authentic enviroment of this historic area, we are presenting author glass in a collection of glass plastics of not only czech but also world wide known artists. With all senses you can perceive its magical fragile beauty and observe the fascinating process of its making, which is not an everyday thing to see about craftsmen ingenuity, dexterity and skill.

Opening hours: TUESDAY – SUNDAY: 10:00 – 18:00


Fotogalerie stránky

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