Goals of the project
The main goal of this project is the development of the potential of czech glassworking artists and the support of the traditional artistic-craft production, which is an important part of czech history and the use of czech cultural and glassworking heritage. In order to achieve this goal, a center of contemporary glass arts was supposed to be build, this center wouldl provide space and equipment to glassworking artists for their arts and also in the form of an exposition of the contemporary glassworking art will provide glassworking artists with inspiration and a source of knowledge of glassworking techniques and procedures.
The goal of the project is the center, in which will gather artists, in order to learn procedures and techniques of glassworking using residential stays, workshops, symposium, etc., also so they can find here a proper enviroment and conditions, which will technically (infrastructure and technical equipment) and inspirationally (the enviroment of historic glassworks, collections and expositions of glassworking art) allow them to create their works of art.
Other specific goals are:
a) Renewal and an efficient use of immovable cultural monuments which is building no. 218, which is glassworks František. The building has became a part of cultural heritage in 2010
b) Support of tourism: The project will expand the offer to tourists visiting generally Sázava and Posázaví. Exposition of glassworking art will attract artists and the other group of visitors interested in art, including foreign visitors.
c) Revitalization of a city quarter in Sázava. Reconstruction of glassworks František and its use for cultural purposes will mean great upgrade for city quarters “Kácek” and “Na Křemelce”. It will also contribute to preseverving of elements of the original glassworking settlement, which is the only cultural heritage keeping the testimony of how glassworking community lived.
d) Creation of the exposition of contemporary glassworking art from collections of partners and optionally from the collection bought from Crystalex a.s.