Basic information about the project

Name of the project: Glass Art Centre, Glassworks František in Sázava
Operational program: CZ.1.06 Integrated operational program
Priority axis: 6.5 National support of territorial delevopment – Goal Convergence
Area of support: 6.5.1 National support use of potential of cultural heritage
Call: 02 Time closed call for the area of support 5.1c – national support use of potential cultural heritage

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Goals of the project

The main goal of this project is the development of the potential of czech glassworking artists and the support of the traditional artistic-craft production, which is an important part of czech history and the use of czech cultural and glassworking heritage. In order to achieve this goal, a center of contemporary glass arts was supposed to be build, this center wouldl provide space and equipment to glassworking artists for their arts and also in the form of an exposition of the contemporary glassworking art will provide glassworking artists with inspiration and a source of knowledge of glassworking techniques and procedures.

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Reasonig of necessity of the project includingthe description of the default state

Context of the contemporary czech glassworking art carries symbols of this age: it is atomised into small workshops, it lost the aureola of exceptionallity and does not show transformations of such dimension, thanks to which was performance of e.g. Stanislav Libenský and Jaroslava Brychtová in the age of their contribution to the melted glass sculpture or the object. In this age does not exist a center especially for the work of artists with amterial such as glass. It is of course given by costliness of the entire technology of melting and processing of the molten glass. Realization areas in which glassworks usually does not count with greater realizations and so they use school workshops, where it is limited by the teaching.

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Link to other projects and activities

Project of the Centre links to the project of the town, which is related to renewal of streets in Na Křemelce and Na Kácku and adjacent areas (Project „Revilatization of brownfield of former glassworking settlement Na Kácku“ of Regional operational program of Středočeský kraj from 2008–2009), which was successfully finished on 27. October 2009. The intention of the town in this area is to renew the former glassworking settlement „Kácek“, which included glassworks  František.

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