2nd international symposium Glass Lab Session

During the event we will employ innovative approaches and new techniques reflective of the theme Energy. Utilising the high quality working equipment at the Glass Art Centre, the attendees will re-appropriate glass products obtained from Central European factories. Unusual approach challenging the inherent processes of the material and craft, as well as manipulation of environment elements, are pretences of process for this event.

The session will be accompanied by the event SlideJam, open to the public, and final exhibition in the Gallery of Glassworks Frantisek, remaining until February 17, 2018.



November 27 – December 2, 2017 / GLASS LAB SESSION – work in progress

November 30, 2017 / 19:00 – 22:00 / GLS´17 SLIDE JAM – presentation of participants artworks 

December 2, 2017 / 16:00 / Opening of GLS´17 EXHIBITION

December 4, 2017 – February 17, 2018 / GLS´17 EXHIBITON – exhibition of final artworks



Karlis Bogustovs  / LV

Ricardo Hoineff / BR, CZ

Lukas Houdek / CZ

Antonina Joszczuk / PL

Song Mi Kim / ROK, CZ

Pavel Skrott / CZ

Marketa Varadiova / CZ

Dora Varga / H

and more…




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© Cesty skla, o.p.s.  2014 | graphic design: kolargrafik/studio